
National Energy Operator EAD was established at the beginning of 2023 with the main subject: Construction and Operation of Electric Power Facilities. 

The company is completely oriented towards a new segment of the Bulgarian energy industry, namely facilities for the production and large-scale storage of green electricity, distinguishing the following main types of technologies depending on the form of energy transformation:

Mechanical — Pumped storage hydro power plants (PSHPP). In view of the global warming and its manifestations, one of which is the increased average annual temperature, with the implementation of this technology, resource efficiency is achieved by aggregating water volumes without disturbing the physical and chemical indicators of the fluid, and complete reservation, utilization, and renewal of the water resource is achieved.

Electrochemical — accumulators and batteries. The oldest energy storage technology is the electrochemical system, which uses a reversible chemical reaction in the active material through an electrolyte to produce/store direct current energy.

The chemical energy storage systems are technologies that use chemical processes and reactions to store and release energy. This technology also includes hydrogen production through water electrolysis. Here, the company is focused on the use of “green hydrogen”, where the source of electricity for its production is renewable. Such energy sources are water, wind, sun, biomass, etc.

Energy storage through systems transforming electricity into heat and vice versa, using salt melts, heating and cooling of fluids, etc.

Generation of electricity from steam and gas plants with the main purpose of ensuring the peak capacities for the load chart of the produced and consumed electricity.

Given the complex procedures preceding and accompanying the implementation of the planned projects, in the short term mainly carrying out analytical and investment activities in the field of pre-project studies, engineering and technical developments, negotiation of grants and co-financing, implementation of regulatory requirements and others activities aimed at realizing the technologies with the greatest potential are planned.

Механични технологии за съхранение на енергия

Механични технологии за съхранение на енергия

включващи съхранение на енергия, чрез помпено-акумулираща водно-електрическа централа (ПАВЕЦ)

Термални системи за съхранение на енергия

Термални системи за съхранение на енергия

като стопени соли или стопилки на соли, системи за продължително съхранение на енергийни запаси

Електрически системи за съхранение на енергия

Електрически системи за съхранение на енергия

като суперкондензатори, свръхпроводима намотка и др.;

Електрохимически системи за съхранение на енергия – батерии

Електрохимически системи за съхранение на енергия – батерии

Оловно-киселинни, Никел-кадмиева и никел-метал хибрид, Литиево-йонни, Редокси проточни и др.

Химически системи за съхранение на енергия

Химически системи за съхранение на енергия

производство на водород чрез електролиза на вода и др.